2-6 May 2022 Chambéry (France)

Archaeometry Congress 2022


Since its foundation in 1976, the GMPCA (Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l'Archéologie) association aims to develop research on multidisciplinary methods contributing to archaeology in France and around the world. This association brings together specialists from various disciplines contributing to the resolution of archaeological and art history problems. The interface of these disciplines with archaeology is called "Archaeometry".

Every two years since 1977, the GMPCA has organised the Archaeometry Congress, whose scientific objective is to take stock of the progress of techniques applied in the field of heritage, to enable young researchers to present their work and to compare research practices in heritage science in Europe and beyond.

The next Archaeometry symposium will be co-organized in Chambéry

from 2 to 6 May 2022 

by the EDYTEM laboratory and the Patrimalp consortium.


The interdisciplinary laboratory EDYTEM works at the crossroads of interactions between societies and environments, particularly in the mountains, by mobilizing the perspectives of human sciences, geosciences, environmental sciences and material sciences. At the team level, these different fields of research work on the same objects (mountains, lakes, caves, areas of interface between people and the environment) and research issues (impacts, effects of sites, resources, heritage, etc.) that require the crossover of different perspectives and disciplinary methods.

The Patrimalp consortium brings together laboratories from the USMB (EDYTEM) and the Grenoble site (Institut Néel, LUHCIE, LIG, LJK, Arc Nucléart, ESRF) that wish to advance scientific approaches and knowledge of tangible cultural heritage in order to ensure its sustainability, enhancement and dissemination in contemporary society.

visuel GMPCA

Presenting the state of research in archaeometry and discussing the contributions of interdisciplinarity and an integrated approach to the study of archaeological objects and, more broadly, heritage objects are the two fundamental elements of the 2021 symposium.

The symposium will be held 100% in person


Call for papers is closed


Themes and sessions

This year to illustrate the contributions of integrative approaches in the study of archaeological sites and in the formalization of new concepts several sessions divided in several entries are organised. These entries cover a wide range of research themes:

(i) Society-environment interaction: resources and supply; lake sediment recording; restoring the life of the object: practices, techniques and uses; alteration/weathering, degradation, restoration-conservation...

(ii) Methodological diversities: non-invasive/non-destructive analyses; portable instrumentation; 3D as a tool for scientific investigation; the challenge of organic matter; absolute dating...

(iii) Common issues: imaging environments; management of collections; data management; creation and maintenance of databases; shared vocabulary and ontology ...


attention We reserve the right to modify this program according to the communication proposals that will be sent to us.



                       edytem                    patrimalp 


                         usmb                                  cnrs

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